
I’m Expecting – Pregnancy APP

Im expecting

This app is sold by MedHelp, for free use on both iOS and Android.

This app is used as an information source for pregnant women, that also allows them to track several aspects of their pregnancy. These aspects include symptoms, mood, medicine, morning sickness, notes and baby kicks, which can be compared to the symptoms of many other women in a given week of pregnancy. Weight gains can also be tracked and compared to the average. Finally events such as doctors appointments and other tests can be tracked on a calendar. The app also facilitates the development of a baby bump photo journal, allows access to several MedsHelp online forums, displays weekly fetal development images developed by medical experts and connects the user with other expecting mothers.

This app is a valuable support network and information resource for expecting mothers. It has the ability to monitor their health, providing documentation of symptoms, which is useful to report to practitioners during check-ups and to assist in early determination of abnormalities. It may also assist in reducing anxiety, especially for first time mothers, which helps to maintain mental health. The apps key potential negative in regards to patient care is that users may access it instead of seeking advice from medical experts. This may be insufficient as there are often multiple explanations for symptoms and advice is not always generic, it differs based on health status and history.

For more information and screenshots from the app go to: