First Aid

First Aid by Australian Red Cross APP

First Aid Aus Red Cross

This app is sold by SIDED CUBE DESIGN LTD and is available for free on both iOS and Android.

The app provides interactive videos and simple step-by-step advice regarding the most common first aid emergencies including: chocking, burns, asthma, allergies, broken bones and bleeding. The app would predominately be used as a tool for learning prior to an emergency situation, and this learning can be tested through the multiple choice tests provided.

The app has a huge potential to improve patient care as if emergencies are attended to correctly and immediately, the severity of the health impairment and the extensiveness of treatment are both likely to decrease. This attention is only able to be provided by trained personal and this app provides easy and extensive access to unregistered but valuable training. If the extensiveness of treatment is decreased, patients are more likely to adhere to the treatment and more likely to lead a better quality of life, which are both critically important aspects of patient care.

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