
MyFitnessPal App

MyFitnessPal is a calorie counter and a diet tracker app. The video above shows you how the app works and how to use it. It is one of the most downloaded and used apps in the world, in fact it is one of the top 10 apps in the “Health & Fitness” category in the app store. In fact 328772 people out of 392846 rated it as a five star app. It has free access which might be one of the reasons of being one of the most used apps as well as the calorie counter which makes it easier to know how many grams of food and the calorie intake of each meal and the subtotal of intake of the whole day. It has many other benefits that you will find more about once you start using this app.


Lumosity Brain Training

This app started first as a website. It is built to challenge the brain and tease it to work better and faster by training it through studied games that are designed to improve brain function. It was then released into an app. I personally use this app for several years now, starting from 2010 from the site page and then to the app. I am not a premium member as I am using it as a free player which allows me to play only in 3 areas of games instead of 5 like the paying costumers. Although I’m not taking advantage of the full package but yet I really find it helpful in refreshening my brain and improving the way i’m thinking and the speed of my reactions. I really recommend this app for everyone since in my opinion I see it useful and suitable for all ages.

iTriage App

iTriage is an app that helps in providing information that helps you in traveling within the United States of America. I found this app helpful because it can contain your in health insurance information, health record, your appointments, health care providers and all your past medical information. You could also have discounts while using this app. It has many hotlines that might be helpful in using within the US.

For more information check out the video above.

In my opinion one way to develop this app is to link similar apps in every country to make it one app that can be used around the world, or at least in every continent as a start. Now this would really be a Health APP REVOLUTION !!


Health Care Communication App


Now, this app is really interesting. This was developed from a wonderful woman that actually been in a situation that required an app like this but unfortunately didn’t find one. It simply replicates what ever the patient needs to say which makes it easier for the recipient to know and fix the problem. In my opinion, this app is required and essential in all hospitals and for all places that have health care especially where the disabled are been treated.

BeWell App



This app caught my interest because it combined different aspects of health that we all need as a matter of fact most of us complain that we can’t really manage our time in being social, have enough exercise and also not getting the amount of sleep that we need. Bewell app monitors our actions and tell us what we are doing wrong so we could fix it.


For more information click on the link below or simply watch the video above:


Its over 9000

As of today, there are more than 100000 and rising health related apps out there in the market and with the current focus of health related function on smartphones or smart-watch, it is safe to say as Charlotte tucker author of The Nation’s Health puts it nicely:

“Once the domain of games and social media, smartphone and tablet applications, or apps for short, have come a long way in recent years, particularly in the field of health.”

In September 2011, 17% of smartphone owners used their phone to look for health or medication information online. And in September, 2012 this figure grow up to 31% and rising. The age of mobile health app are upon us and this will definitely change the face of healthcare in the coming years as health care is going to be more patient-centered and delivered over mobile devices. As Leslie Saxon, M.D., professor of clinical medicine and director of the Center for Body Computing at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine put its: ” I think that’s really going to move the needle on health care outcomes and satisfaction.”

There are all sort of health related apps out there ranging from fitness, diet, patient monitoring and compliance, remote diagnostic, health surveillance, there’s even an app for pregnancy and the list goes on. However with over 100000 health related app out there, which health related app are helpful to users? Looked no further as this blog will provide all the information you need in downloading the best health related apps out there.

For more information